Gastveranstaltung mit Büffet in der Wandelhalle

Conference Center

The Place to meet in Dresden

The Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden offers you a special setting and atmosphere. Constructed from 1927 to 1930 by Wilhelm Kreis, the building is a fascinating dialogue between the architectural language of in the late 1920s and the contemporary idiom of Professor Peter Kulka, who is directing the extensive restoration of the building. The architectural functionality of the rooms lends them to receptions, ceremonies, lectures, conferences, gala dinners, and similar occasions. The rooms may be rented during and outside the museum's regular opening hours.

Suitable space for events is available in the foyer on the ground floor, the Large Hall with its flexible rows of seating for up to 590 people, and the front lobby as a foyer. The ground floor of the southern ancillary building houses the Marta Fraenkel Hall, with its row seating of up to 200 people, modern technology, foyer space, and eight seminar rooms is an ideal place for conferences with workshops. As special highlight of your event, you can go on guided tours through the different areas of the permanent exhibition or special exhibitions or have a tour based on a selected topic. You may also arrange to have the exhibition rooms made available outside regular hours.

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Räume mieten im Tagungszentrum im Deutschen Hygiene-Museum Dresden (Vorschaubild zum Video)

Flight through the conference center
Production: 360 Grad Team / Oelsnitz, Germany

Conference Rooms & Halls

Blick von oben in die stimmungsvoll beleuchtete Empfangshalle während einer Veranstaltung
Entrance Hall (400 sqm)
Großer Saal mit Tribünenbestuhlung
Great Hall (573 sqm)
Blick in den leeren, bestuhlten Marta-Fraenkel-Saal
Marta Fraenkel Hall (216 sqm)
Blick in einen leeren, bestuhlten Seminarraum
8 Meeting Rooms (25 bis 56 sqm)
Blick in den leeren Hörsaal mit Projektor und Leinwand
Lecture Hall (152 sqm)
Blick auf die Terrasse mit Gästen
Terrace (685 sqm)
Blick in die leere Wandelhalle
Convertible Hall (230 sqm)
Blick von oben in die stimmungsvoll beleuchtete Empfangshalle während einer Veranstaltung
Entrance Hall (400 sqm)
Großer Saal mit Tribünenbestuhlung
Great Hall (573 sqm)
Blick in den leeren, bestuhlten Marta-Fraenkel-Saal
Marta Fraenkel Hall (216 sqm)
Blick in einen leeren, bestuhlten Seminarraum
8 Meeting Rooms (25 bis 56 sqm)
Blick in den leeren Hörsaal mit Projektor und Leinwand
Lecture Hall (152 sqm)
Blick auf die Terrasse mit Gästen
Terrace (685 sqm)
Blick in die leere Wandelhalle
Convertible Hall (230 sqm)